Monday, July 23, 2012

Fun In The Dirt

We just got back from the dirtiest camping vacation wait that was 4 years ago when we were on the dirtiest site in Ludington State Park.  This year we were on the 2nd jokes aside it was pretty bad.  Loose, black sand that at the beginning of the week just blew everywhere every time you took a step because it was so dry.  Then, the rain came....and it just stuck to every single thing.  Simply said....that makes for a TON more work upon getting home because everything needs a good scrubbing.  (Not just the children!!)

We did have a really good time.  Ludington is our favorite State Park to camp at.  We're never bored (okay, maybe for 5 minutes a day we sit down). Seriously though, we never run out of things to do here. We always seem to joke when we come home that we need a vacation from our vacation!

One of my favorite things I was able to do this time was get out and run a few times.  For anybody that's been to the State Park and done the Skyline trail you'll understand when I say running that thing kicked my butt!!  It was fun though to do some trail running ~ I enjoyed something new.

It was nice to be away, but I'll admit I was a bit homesick. My emotions were a tad out of sorts. I am thankful that this time I knew a little of what to expect, and how I'd be feeling on this camping trip. Keeping so busy was a good thing this time around for sure!

Looking forward to being back there this Fall!!

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