God used that time in my life to invade my personal bubble. To swell my heart. To find Him. He spoke His beautiful word deep into places of my soul nobody else ever gets to see. He used that period of months and years to teach me and mold me. To show me who HE is, which then showed me who I am in Christ. The One who promises to be faithful, even if it is not seen in this life. The One I am to trust with all that I am.
Even when I do not understand.
My days are not my own. My plans are not mine, they are His. I grasp that so much more clearly now, and that makes life so much sweeter.
Even the hard days, and yes there are really hard days sometimes.
There are many people I know going through a lot of BIG things right now. I don't understand why we have to say goodbye so soon. I don't understand why people have to get terribly sick. I don't understand why some days it is a struggle just to put bread on the table for some families. I don't understand why people say one thing, but live another. I don't understand why storms rage all around us and despair hangs on like the thickest of fog.
I do understand there is this ugly word call sin, and that we live in a fallen world. I do know that I cannot make it a single moment without being blood bought by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It doesn't make this life on earth any easier, it does make it possible. HE is hope in the midst of storms, joys, heartaches, mountaintops, valleys, answered prayer, prayers still waiting for an answer.
Thankful heart today...