Monday, September 16, 2013

Same God

The same God with you then, is with you now.
The same God who led you in, will lead you out.

Thankful for a God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Our hope, our rock, a fortress to lean into. Things around us may crumble, yet we know God can restore, heal and give hope...even in the midst of heartache.

Thankful for the few friends that have actually cared enough to make sure we are doing alright, in light of the recent split among our Church. Ten years have been spent at Wellspring, loving and serving. Praising our incredible God and growing so much. Our lives have been changed here in so many ways~God has done mighty things in this place.

Our family has done what was requested by the board over the past few weeks. We've kept very quiet and dedicated ourselves to praying over the body, the Pastor and all the people this has impacted. We are not interested in slander, gossip, ill will against any side. Our family is praying for healing and guidance. We do not know where we are going to end up....but the Lord does. Trusting in Him, excited for new hope and beginnings.

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