Sunday, April 4, 2010

A few things that need to be addressed...

The other night someone posted something that was extremely offensive to me on my facebook page.  I got so upset that I started deleting tons of posts I had made off of my wall.  My initial thought being...well this particular statement probably is offending someone.  Or, this really doesn't matter to anyone so I should just remove it.  Let me make this perfectly clear:  if you don't want to be my 'friend' I am okay with it.  If you don't like what I say either here...or on my 'social networking pages' then don't read it.

Secondly, I LOVE music and many times will post a song/video~either here or on FB. Many times I am saying what my fingers can't put into words. It's there because the words/message have meant something to me and I am sharing what is on my heart.  I am NOT making you click the 'play' button and you are free to turn it off anytime.

If you are my 'friend' then you need to love me for who I am, not for who you want me to be...or who you think I need to be.  I am a very imperfect person, trying to do my best each and every day...failing miserably and then leaning on the promises I have in Christ. Please do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes.  I have struggles, fears, insecurities, pain, heartache.  I also have hope, joy, love, faith and blessings more numerous than I can count.  I try to be a blessing to others as much as possible, but I need to be able to share my struggles honestly and trust my 'friends' will be there to hold me up when I need them to and not condemn me.

So, be my friend because you want me in your life.  Be my friend because I want you in mine.


Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you're in my life and am blessed to call you "friend".
love you,

Sonshine said...

AMEN!!! and very well said! :)

I'll be your friend no matter what! :) (((hugs to you my friend)))