Saturday, July 9, 2011


Well, it has been over a week since we found out we lost our precious baby and I had to undergo a D&C. There have been good days and some really hard days over this past week.  Because I have not ever experienced a miscarriage before I am walking through new territory. My emotions are all over the place both because I'm grieving but also because I still have pregnancy hormones flowing through my body.  Those little buggers could be around for weeks yet.

I have had some complications after my surgery.  Leave it to me to be a complicated patient!! All you have to do is read Caleb's birth story to know I just don't do things easy.  Right now I am praying that God will bless my body with healing so that I can keep taking baby steps forward and moving along down the path God has layed out for me.

Thank you for continued prayers!!!

Continuing to trust Him!!!

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